z-o-o-m´s File & Image Uploader Help Settings and functions may vary depending on version

z-o-o-m´s File & Image Uploader Help Settings and functions may vary depending on version

z-o-o-m´s File & Image Uploader Help Settings and functions may vary depending on version
 Main screen

1) Buttons for adding files to the queue and for adding all files from a folder
2) Buttons for starting upload and for re-uploading selected files
3) Buttons for stopping selected uploads in progress, for finishing uploads (all uploads in progress will be finished and no new uplods will be started) and for immediate stop of all uploads
4) Opening of a settings window
5) Moving of a selected file up/down in queue
6) Menu for files in queue
queue for upload = the file will be uploaded paused upload = the file will not be uploaded until user allows it
7) It is possible to add files via "drag&drop"
8) Tabs - links, history, stats, news
Window for choosing files and its upload settings

1) select one host
2) when you click on that side panel, a new lists will show up. You can choose more hosts to upload to
3) account status (white - no account available, green - correct login informations have been set)
File open dialog

it is possible to choose more files (use ctrl or shift)

  • connection
    - it is important to set appropriate buffer size to make program work correctly (too large buffer may cause program not to upload, too small buffer may cause slow upload speed), you should set it according to your connection (a little bit less than usual upload speed per one file)
    - you can set higher timeout if the server doesn't respond fast enough
    - you can set "try count" if you want program automatically reupload failed uploads
    - set "bound to adapter" if you want to choose an adapter you want to use to upload (FUp5)

  • file hosters (account settings)

  • hostings view - make some hosts visible/hidden

  • misc

  • scheduler - simple scheduler to set start and stop time for upload

  • view
    settings for notification of upload finish
    format structure for copying links to clipboard (choose by right click)

  • skins

  • selection profiles
    - serves for easy file host selection (right click in advanced "Add file" window to use it)
    - it is possible to disable "hosting selection window" Hosts account settings

  • choose a host, insert your name and password and then press "Add/Edit"

  • If your inserted data are marked red, you probably inserted wrong data. These data will not be used for uploading. Only active accounts marked with green color will be used

  • Only 1 account per host can be chosen as active. if you want download this software
    z-o-o-m File & Image Uploader 5.6.8 tool which makes it easy to upload to all servers