La roca - Captain Claw

La roca - Captain Claw


Itz the first and easiest level of this game. Have to roam around the dungeon area looking for a way out. The place is fulled with officers and soldiers. Sometimes you can hear moaning and can see a hand reaching out from under a cage at the bottom. In some areas you can see metal spikes and a broken skull on it. This just shows that many tried to escape the La roca and failed.

The La roca also is one of the places to explored as it is filled with moving platforms and crumbling stones. In most of the secret area you have to work carfully and be smart. The level is easy however the trap in the secreat areas can be tough.

Enemies are really easy to beat. Although the little annoying rats can be hard to hit.There are two types of enemies one is a officer the weakest enemy in the game and other id the soldier.

The officer

The officer is the weaker enemy of the two enemies. He has got no long ranged but if he hit you you lose 10 health points. He has no long ranged attacks so if you would like you can run away from him.


What is a fort with out a Soldier? Well here he is! Well he does not look much like a soldier. Many though he was some angry farmer including me. Some even say that the soldiers are girls cause when they walk you can see they have some thing like long hair so it looked like girls. Though these soldier look like a girl or farmer he is a force not to be taken lightly especially to starters. The soldiers have guns and can shoot you but only take away 10 health points. Some times Claw suddenly get hit by a small board pin sized bullet but it is actually the soldier fairing at you. sometimes he might be far away or you might not see him in the screen cause he might be far away.

He does not really pose a threat but is annoying. If you get close to him he will start hammering you with his gun so be careful. If you are far away from him and if he shoots than just duck down. The bullet it big eneough to be seen easily, When the bullet passed you can run forward and finish him. If you are really far that keep on ducking till you are close to him. The soldier is the only enemy in the game who can duck down to shoot you but in the 2nd level he can duck down.